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Our Health Commitment

Health is the Most Important Aspect of Breeding Ethically

The health of our cats and kittens at Blue Cloud Ragdolls is the single most important aspect of our ethical promise. That is why we will never breed from a cat who has not passed our extensive testing process, carried out by an independent laboratory using samples collected by a licenced vet.

All of our adult cats have been tested for HCM1, HCM2, PKD1, PRA, MPS VI, SMA, FIV, and FeLV.

All of our adult cats are either blood type A or AB, in order to rule out the possibility of neonatal isoerythrolysis. 

All kittens will be fully vaccinated, neutered, and treated for parasites before joining their new families.

In addition to all of the above, we further ensure the health and wellbeing of our cats by giving them a non-free-roaming lifestyle. This means that our cats are kept safely on our property for most of the day, and given supervised outdoor access either on a harness or in a securely enclosed garden. By doing this, we are keeping wildlife safe, respecting our neighbours, and eliminating the risk of our cats being stolen or hit by cars, whilst also providing the mental enrichment, exercise, and fresh air that all cats need. We will never, under any circumstances, sell a kitten to a home which allows them outdoor access unsupervised, as this is hugely at odds with our ethics.

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